My Journey With
Some Wonderful Folks
My Journey With
Some Wonderful Folks
Young couple’s HDB flat just fulfilled the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) and is exploring the best options available to them.
After going through the financials, analysis and their preference, we sold their property (with one room removed to enlarge the living room space) with Cash over Valuation (COV) on the very first viewing and quickly secured their choice unit in an Executive Condominium (EC) of their choice where units were being sold at a fast and furious pace.
1. Spot-on competitive pricing to attract the maximum number of interested buyers
2. Targeting the most suitable profile of buyers who can appreciate the property in its current condition
3. Dovetailing the timeline to quickly secure their next
dream home
Young couple previously purchased a resale HDB flat with a then remaining lease of 62 years plus Cash over Valuation (COV).
After sharing with them on their negative sale proceeds situation within a span of 5 years after the purchase, they deliberated and decided to upgrade to an Executive Condominium (EC) with potential for capital upside to offside their losses from their HDB flat.
1. There can be negative sale proceeds in the early years, especially with the wrong property purchase.
2. The pool of buyers is limited due to restrictions on the usage of CPF funds by younger buyers.
3. A quick & decisive decision to cut one’s losses and move on can prevent a more dire situation down the road.
A young family is planning to purchase their dream landed home. However, like many others, they would need to sell their existing duplex penthouse first due to the AdditionalBuyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD).
However, our marketing was interrupted by the Circuit Breaker. We resumed marketing activities in Phase 2 and secured a buyer who appreciated the property and most importantly, was able to grant them a 4-month rent-free stay to enable them to purchase their dream landed home with renovation time.
1. Be focused and never let events or circumstances
hinder your prime objective
2. Every property just needs one right buyer to appreciate it.

A family of three decided to sell their 4-bedroom private property and right size to a 4-room HDB near a MRT station and their daughter’s school.
Managed to assist them to realized their capital gains and purchase an off-market property! (unit belongs to a friend’s neighbor who was exploring selling their unit at the initial stage only). Buyers had zeroed into that HDB cluster but there were no suitable properties.
1. Always keep our eyes and ears open for an alternative source. As Forrest Gump famously said, “My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”
Let's Stay In Touch
My Journey With
Some Wonderful Folks
Young couple’s HDB flat just fulfilled the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) and is exploring the best options available to them.
After going through the financials, analysis and their preference, we sold their property (with one room removed to enlarge the living room space) with Cash over Valuation (COV) on the very first viewing and quickly secured their choice unit in an Executive Condominium (EC) of their choice where units were being sold at a fast and furious pace.
1. Spot-on competitive pricing to attract the maximum number of interested buyers
2. Targeting the most suitable profile of buyers who can appreciate the property in its current condition
3. Dovetailing the timeline to quickly secure their next dream home
Young couple previously purchased a resale HDB flat with a then remaining lease of 62 years plus Cash over Valuation (COV).
After sharing with them on their negative sale proceeds situation within a span of 5 years after the purchase, they deliberated and decided to upgrade to an Executive Condominium (EC) with potential for capital upside to offside their losses from their HDB flat.
1. There can be negative sale proceeds in the early years, especially with the wrong property purchase.
2. The pool of buyers is limited due to restrictions on the usage of CPF funds by younger buyers.
3. A quick & decisive decision to cut one’s losses and move on can prevent a more dire situation down the road.
A young family is planning to purchase their dream landed home. However, like many others, they would need to sell their existing duplex penthouse first due to the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD).
However, our marketing was interrupted by the Circuit Breaker. We resumed marketing activities in Phase 2 and secured a buyer who appreciated the property and most importantly, was able to grant them a 4-month rent-free stay to enable them to purchase their dream landed home with renovation time.
1.Be focused and never let events or circumstances hinder your prime objective
2. Every property just needs one right buyer to appreciate it.

A family of three decided to sell their 4-bedroom private property and right size to a 4-room HDB near a MRT station and their daughter’s school.
Managed to assist them to realized their capital gains and purchase an off-market property! (unit belongs to a friend’s neighbor who was exploring selling their unit at the initial stage only). Buyers had zeroed into that HDB cluster but there were no suitable properties.
Always keep our eyes and ears open for an alternative source. As Forrest Gump famously said, “My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”